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Toros Canavarı (1961) Ahmet Tarık Tekçe - Efgan Efekan

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Toros Canavarı (1961) Ahmet Tarık Tekçe - Efgan Efekan
Alt 07-03-2008, 12:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
KayalarinOglu şuanda Offline
Üyelik tarihi: May 2008
Bulunduğu yer: Essen
Mesajlar: 321
Rep Seviyesi: KayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond reputeKayalarinOglu has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Puanı: 2404
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TVrip Toros Canavarı (1961) Ahmet Tarık Tekçe - Efgan Efekan

Burhan Bolan

Senaryo Yazarı
Burhan Bolan

Ahmet Tarık Tekçe
Efgan Efekan
Cavidan Dora
Tomris Hakgüder
Atıf Kaptan
Osman Alyanak

--- File Information ---                                                        
File Name:                                      toros_canavari_1961_KayalarinOglu.avi                     
File Name (with full path):                     C:Dokumente und Einstellungene&oDesktop	oros	oros_canavari_1961_KayalarinOglu.avi           
File Size (in bytes):                           577,677,312                     
--- Container Information ---                                                   
Base Type (e.g "AVI"):                          AVI(.AVI)                 
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML"):                        OpenDML (AVI v2.0),                   
Interleave (in ms):                             40          
Preload (in ms):                                1044       
Audio alignment("split across interleaves"):    Split         
Total System Bitrate (kbps):                    0            
Bytes Missing (if any):                         0            
Number of Audio Streams:                        1       
--- Video Information ---                                                       
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3"):                  XVID              
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion"):    XviD 1.1.2 Final              
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed"):  Codec(s) are Installed            
Duration (hh:mm:ss):                            1:32:36                
Frame Count:                                    138882             
Frame Width (pixels):                           720                  
Frame Height (pixels):                          480                  
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR")"                    1.500                     
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR"):                     1.000                     
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR"):                   1.500                     
Fields Per Second:                                        
Frames Per Second:                              25.000          
Pics Per Second:                                25.000            
Video Bitrate (kbps):                           766                 
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Quality Factor (bits/pixel)/frame:              0.089"                     
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3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or ""):                                    
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src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):      
Instructions to convert to VCD,  first part:         
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Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:       
Instructions to convert to CVD,  first part:         
Instructions to convert to CVD,  second part:        
Instructions to convert to DVD,  first part:         
Instructions to convert to DVD,  second part:        
Instructions to convert to AVI,  first part:         
Instructions to convert to AVI,  second part:        
--- Audio Information ---                                                       
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd"):                             
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80"):                  
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3"):                       0x0055 MPEG-2 Layer 3                   
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed"): Codec(s) are Installed            
Audio Sample Rate (Hz):                         22050             
Audio Bitrate(kbps):                            56                 
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR"):            CBR            
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo):      2

Sifre: mogollar

Konu medy tarafından (07-03-2008 Saat 03:17 PM ) değiştirilmiştir..

Alt 07-03-2008, 01:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
RatyaPonec - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
RatyaPonec şuanda Offline
Üyelik tarihi: May 2008
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Mesajlar: 2.049
Rep Seviyesi: RatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond repute
RatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Puanı: 675106341
Rep Gücü: 13502413

Sn.KayalarinOglu, bugüne dek XviDHeaven'da romantik, duygusal ve komedi içerikli filmler paylaşılıyordu. Ününüze uygun olarak bu repertuarı, fantastik, western ve korku filmleriyle desteklediğiniz için teşekkür ediyorum.

Bu filmi çocukken Notre Dame'ın Kamburu isimli yabancı filmi izledikten sonra seyretmiştim. Belki o nedenle olacak ki çocuk halimde bile senarist'in Victor Hugo'nun bu romanına öykündüğünü düşünmüştüm. Diğer taraftan Ayşecik filmlerindeki kötü adam rolleriyle A.Tarık Tekçe gerçek hayatta bile herkesin nefret ettiği adam haline gelmişti. Bu nedenle oynadığı Toros Canavarı'nın kaçırdığı kıza aşık olmasını bile garipsemiştik. Filmin orjinalinde dahi görüntüler karanlık ve net değildi. Korku havasının daha iyi yaratılabilmesi için yönetmenin bu yolu tercih etmesinin de eleştirildiğini hatırlıyorum.

Konu RatyaPonec tarafından (07-03-2008 Saat 02:04 PM ) değiştirilmiştir..

Alt 07-04-2008, 01:39 PM   #3 (permalink)
medy - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
medy şuanda Offline
Üyelik tarihi: May 2008
Bulunduğu yer: istanbul
Mesajlar: 4.482
Rep Seviyesi: medy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond repute
medy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond reputemedy has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Puanı: 705451596
Rep Gücü: 14109416

Greenpine´isimli üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
bi abim anlatmıştı gençken bu filmden cok kokrmuş..tabi şimdi biraz o zor ama zamanına gore çok iyi bir filmmiş
sevgili greenpine...

bu filmi unutmam mümkün değil benim de.. bu film oynadığında ben 6-7 yaşlarında idim.. acıbadem dörtyolda saray (yazlık) sinemasında oynamıştı... bende öyle bir korktum ki yıllarca üzerimden atamamıştım o korkuyu.. çocukluk işte oturduğum tahta sandalyenin altından geliverecek gibi hissetmiş ayaklarımı sandalyenin üzerine çekmiştim... anılarım ve hissettiklerim bu gün bile çok taze hala...

Alt 07-04-2008, 02:49 PM   #4 (permalink)
RatyaPonec - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
RatyaPonec şuanda Offline
Üyelik tarihi: May 2008
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Mesajlar: 2.049
Rep Seviyesi: RatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond repute
RatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond reputeRatyaPonec has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Puanı: 675106341
Rep Gücü: 13502413

medy´isimli üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
sevgili greenpine...

bu filmi unutmam mümkün değil benim de.. bu film oynadığında ben 6-7 yaşlarında idim.. acıbadem dörtyolda saray (yazlık) sinemasında oynamıştı... bende öyle bir korktum ki yıllarca üzerimden atamamıştım o korkuyu.. çocukluk işte oturduğum tahta sandalyenin altından geliverecek gibi hissetmiş ayaklarımı sandalyenin üzerine çekmiştim... anılarım ve hissettiklerim bu gün bile çok taze hala...
Harika arkadaşım hissettiğiniz korkuyu filmde verilmek istenenden daha güzel anlatmışsınız. O halinizi hayal edince en güzel bir komediyi izlemiş gibi oldum. O tarihlerde taşraya gazeteler iki üç gün gecikmeli gelirdi. Filmler ise yıllar sonra. Herşeyde bir hayır vardır derler. Hiç olmazsa benzer akıbetten kurtulmuşum.

Alt 08-15-2008, 03:18 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Zagor - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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Zagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond reputeZagor has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Puanı: 7470223
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çok teşekkürler.elinize sağlık

Alt 02-19-2009, 12:35 AM   #6 (permalink)
Normal Üye
lostcorpse şuanda Offline
Üyelik tarihi: Feb 2009
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saolasın ellerine sağlık.

Alt 04-07-2009, 06:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
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erder - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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harikasın kardeşim ellerine salık
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